Things that are going well in 2020

  • My love of memes. Anything that can make me laugh this year is a good thing.
  • My tomato plants. We’ve been eating tomatoes and more tomatoes and even more tomatoes…
  • Did I mention the tomatoes?
  • So far, my friends and family are all healthy. (And I hope you and yours are too.)

Things that haven’t gone to plan in 2020

  • Almost everything in my garden (except the tomatoes, of course).
  • My writing. It’s been totally derailed. *sigh*
  • My editing. Yeah, you guessed it, it is also derailed. I feel like these need to be animated with subtitles of “klonk” or “splat” or something…


It is September now. And September always gives me a boost. So, I’m trying to clear away the fog and think about how to salvage the rest of 2020 and get some books finished!

Here’s the new 2020 plan

  • I plan to finish my work on both Auras & Assassins (Dark Guards #3) and Hexed and Haunted (Dark Guards #4) and send them to my editor. Unfortunately, due to her schedule, I may not have them back in time to publish them in 2020. But, I will publish them as soon as I can. I really want to do these stories justice and give you a read worth your time.
  • Decide what to work on next. I have more Dark Guards stories to tell, but I am also thinking about my werewolves in Little Lothian. It might be time to see what’s happening with Adam’s friends. Not too long ago, a reader asked when the other wolves would *finally* get their stories… and it might be sooner than I’d originally thought.

I’m trying to keep my goals simple. KISS, right?

How is your world in 2020?