A Wolf’s Protection: Lothian Werewolves #1 (Adam and Mary’s Story) April 2016

The leaves on my trees are still green, but Mother Nature doesn’t seem to care. *sob* It’s been snowing and snowing and snowing… and it’s suppose to keep snowing and snowing and snowing. (I’ve shared some pictures on my Facebook Page.) I think it’s predicted to stop some time tomorrow afternoon, but really…

It is only September 29th.

It is obnoxiously early for this much snow (even by Alberta standards).

So I thought I needed to remember all the things I love about winter. After all, most of my books seem to be set in winter, so I must like it on some level, right? But I know my werewolves like it even better.

10 reasons why Adam (the werewolf from A Wolf’s Protection) loves winter:

  1. Cuddling with my witch is a good way to warm up.
  2. Snow billows up when I pounce in it. Reminds me of when I was a kid and things were better with my family.
  3. My coat fills out and looks fantastic.
  4. Fewer tourists are in the woods when I go for a run.
  5. I like how Mary squeals when I toss a snowball at her.
  6. Everything is quiet after a snowfall and I can hear things that are happening miles away.
  7. My bar is busier because the locals need a place to go to get out of the house.
  8. The nights are longer, so my pack can go out running earlier at night. (And I can get home earlier to my witch.)
  9. It reminds me of when Mary became mine.
  10. I like it when it blizzards and I get snowed in with Mary. It’s just the two of us in front of the fireplace.


What do you love about snow? There has to be something!

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