Snippet: Seduced By the Wolf

iBooks  Kobo Barnes & Noble Amazon More Retailers An excerpt from Seduced By the Wolf (A Werewolf’s Curse #3): She took a deep breath. The distinctive scent of her sex filled the air. It wouldn’t take a werewolf’s senses to know what...

Snippet: Saved By the Wolf

iBooks | Kobo | GooglePlay | Barnes & Noble | Amazon  | More Retailers An excerpt from Saved By the Wolf (A Werewolf’s Curse #2) She was naked just down the hall. Don’t think about it. Yeah. Like that was going to happen. His...

Snippet: Saved By the Wolf

iBooks | Kobo | GooglePlay | Barnes & Noble | Amazon  | More Retailers An excerpt from Saved By the Wolf (A Werewolf’s Curse #2) Jacob had expected her to follow Carson through the woods back to town, but she didn’t leave. They...